Miyou Group hadir di Pameran IFBC 2023! - IFBC Expo

CIPTAKAN PELUANG USAHA IMPIANMU DI IFBC 2025! Ratusan Peluang Bisnis & Franchise Terbaik Menantimu! SEGERA HADIR di 5 Kota Besar Indonesia! Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Balikpapan, Bandung, Surabaya Catat Tanggalnya: 14-16 Feb (ICE BSD), 30 Mei-1 Jun (Yogyakarta), 20-22 Jun (Balikpapan), 18-20 Jul (Bandung), 12-14 Sep (Surabaya), 14-16 Nov (ICE BSD)! bale by btn, semua solusi satu aplikasi CLEAN-MATIC CLEANING EQUIPMENT SPECIALTY Since 1992 Passive Income Mudah & Menguntungkan bersama BIMBA SMARTKIDZ! Hubungi: 0877 6333 3760 Join Franchise Bisnis Pendidikan LEIT! Hanya Rp 65 juta, Profit Legit & Hadiah Menarik Kamu bukan dokter tapi ingin memiliki bisnis klinik gigi? BUKAN MIMPI! Sekarang kamu bisa memilikinya bersama kami. FRESH HELMET: SOLUSI PRAKTIS DAN HIGIENIS UNTUK HELM BERSIH KEMITRAAN PITPET ANIMAL CLINIC! Modal Rp600 Juta dapat profit per bulan sampai 35 juta dengan PitPet! Hubungi: 085117044645 Alba Unggul Metal: Siap Mendukung UMKM Indonesia Menuju Kesuksesan! Laundry kampung, perpaduan bisnis laundry dan kuliner ngga pake ribet sudah pasti untung Teuku Wisnu sudah percaya Baker Old, kini giliran Anda! HANYA DI MISNOW! BISNIS VIRAL ES SALJU KOREA ALL IN MULAI Rp195JT, DP MULAI Rp10JT SAJA! Punya usaha sendiri kini lebih mudah dengan franchise Aiko Franchise bubur organik Aiko, peluang bisnis berkelanjutan sejak 2010! Gabung Kemitraan Tianlala sekarang juga!! Raih Diskon hingga Ratusan Juta Rupiah!! Stop Takut Mahal buat Upgrade Bisnis ke Digital! Yuk, ke Booth DMMX dan dapatkan Promonya! Join kemitraan Joomba & bawa pulang AC/TV/Tab/HP! Daftar sekarang, mulai 89jt! 🍓💯 #Joomba Promo Kemitraan Si Kriuk Krispy Spesial event IFBC : Diskon 50% & Undian Hadiah Menarik! PERTAMA DI INDONESIA - EXCLUSIVE STORE HAAGEN DAZS & GENTONG - VENDING PERTAMA DI INDONESIA - BISNIS AUTOMASI 24 JAM

March 3, 2023

Miyou Group hadir di Pameran IFBC 2023!

Miyou Group is a Multi-Brand F&B, focusing on healthy and natural beverages. Miyou yogurt drink, Froyou Frozen Yogurt, Super juice station, and Coco summer are parts of Miyou Group, using 100% real fruits and premium ingredients to achieve the best taste and experience a drink can give. We innovate traditional drinks into something people like based on the current high rising trends. We choose to innovate with traditional beverages that are proven to be loved amongst people to create something new but with a twist of comfort underneath. Our Vision is To be a Leading F&B Group In Indonesia, that Focusing in Healthier Option F&B QSR [Quick Service Retail] Brands.

MIYOU Group Special Deals 3-in-1 [Get 3 Brands!] GET Profit from 3 Brands at 1 Operational Cost! Partnership Fee Only IDR 150.000.000 [Get 3 Brands!]

BOOK YOUR SPOT NOW, OPEN LATER Promo Booking Fee With Only Rp 10.000.000 ( for 3 Brands! )

Contast Us :
IG : MiyouGroup.id, IG : Miyou.indonesia, IG : Froyou.indonesia, IG :
SuperJuice.Station, IG : CocoSummer_id

Partnership Inquiry : WA : 0851-7318-8517

Our Brands MIYOU Group [MiyouGroup.id] :

MIYOU YOGURT [ Miyou.Indonesia ]
Miyou Yogurt Drink is a Yogurt based drink mixed with 100% real fruits to achieve
the freshest and the best yogurt drink you can get!
Miyou Yogurt Drink is proudly the LARGEST Yogurt drink chain in Indonesia!

FROYOU – FROZEN YOGURT [ Froyou.Indonesia ]

We would like to introduce you to the super worth & affordable Frozen Yogurt in town!

SUPER JUICE STATION! [ SuperJuice.Station ]
We would like to introduce you to the super worth & affordable juice in town!
Made with 100% real and super premium quality fruit to acquire the best taste and nutrition a juice can get!

COCO SUMMER [ CocoSummer_id ]
COCO SUMMER is a fresh coconut based drink concept, complemented by various fresh fruits making it unique yet very enjoyable with a twist of the latest
trends! Coconut Shakes! COCO SUMMER presents a healthier and less guilty choice for your sweet cravings and quench. Made with real and fresh co-conut, and premium ingredients only to serve the best and give you the best expe-rience to enjoy your coconut drink!


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