31st Anniversary of Indonesian Franchise Association (22nd November) - IFBC Expo

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November 22, 2022

31st Anniversary of Indonesian Franchise Association (22nd November)

Asosiasi Franchise Indonesia was established on 22 November 1991 by five homegrown franchises. The birth of the association at that time was encouraged and supported by ILO, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, and LPPM.

As the national membership organization for the franchisor both local and International, AFI is proud to provide services in franchise & business concept ecosystem.

AFI is a founding member of Asia Pasific Franchise Confederation and a member of World Franchise Council. To support the growth of the franchising and business opportunity industry, AFI annually hosts IFRA International Franchise License & Business Concept Expo & Conference and on a national scale Roadshow IFBC Info Franchise and Business Concept Expo. AFI also organizes regular educational events open for public, actively engage with governments and International Institutions and e-publish Franchise Magazine.

In the spirit of igniting franchise recovery, AFI will continue to give best efforts to be the leading forum for franchise industry in Indonesia and preeminent institution for strengthening cooperation within franchise and business opportunities sectors.

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